HackerBox #0091 - Fibonacci
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Explore the beautiful mathematics of Fibonacci numbers, spirals, and sunflowers. Configure the Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040 microcontroller module for use with CircuitPython. Experiment with CircuitPython programming to implement NeoPixel animations and touch pad controls on the Raspberry Pi RP2040 microcontroller. Assemble the RGB LED Fibonacci Spiral Kit using 64 through-hole NeoPixel RGB LEDs. Practice a step-wise approach to PCB assembly using through-hole soldering. Consider modification of the Spiral LED module into a wearable badge. Assemble the Cyber Voice Recorder kit from Cyber City Circuits. Get inspired to (re)watch Darren Aronofsky's 1998 film Pi.
HackerBox 0091 Box Contents:
- HackerBox 0091 Collectable Reference Card
- Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040
- Exclusive Fibonacci Spiral LED Kit:
- HackerBox Fibonacci Spiral PCB
- 64 Round 5mm WS2812B RGB LEDs
- Five-Pin Male Header
- Cyber Voice Recorder Kit from Cyber City Circuits:
- Cyber Voice Recorder PCB
- ISD 1820PY DIP14 Recorder Chip
- DIP14 IC Socket
- Electret Condenser Microphone
- 100k Ohm Resistor
- Two 1k Ohm Resistor
- Two 4.7k Ohm Resistor
- Five 0.01uF Ceramic Capacitor
- 220uF Electrolytic Capacitor
- 47uF Electrolytic Capacitor
- Blue LED
- PCB Mount 30mm Speaker
- Two Tactile Momentary Buttons
- CR2032 PCB Coin Cell Holder
- CR2032 Coin Cell
- Female-Female Dupont Jumper Wires
- I VOID WARRANTIES Iron-On Patch (designed by Jilles Groenendijk)
- I VOID WARRANTIES Sticker (designed by Jilles Groenendijk)
Fibonacci Spiral Badge Bundle
An extra project to turn the Fibonacci LED Spiral into a wearable badge is shown in the Box Guide. Information is included there for obtaining the components and assembling the badge. We have a limited quantity of kits for the extra project available here. Each is bundled along with a HackerBox 0091, which includes the Fibonacci LED Spiral Kit.
Badge Bundle Contents:
- HackerBox 0091
- Additional Badge Components:
- Exclusive Badge PCB for mounting Fibonacci Spiral PCB
- Three-Slot AA Battery Holder with Velcro Strap
- 5V DC/DC Boost Converter Module
- DPDT Battery Isolation Switch
- Two 1M Resistors (for touch pad activation)
- Four Female 5 pin Headers
- Additional Male Header Pins
- Lanyard not included (shown for demonstration only)
Online resources:
- Official Online Guide for HackerBox 0091
- Unbox & Build Video by 463N7
- Badge Project Video by 463N7