Byte Size #0003 - Blinky
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Box Contents Include:
- Byte Size 0003 Booklet
- 555 Timer Chip
- Micro Servo with Header
- Solderless Breadboard
- Preformed Breadboard Jumper Wires
- Breadboard Power Supply
- MiniUSB Power Supply Cable
- Two LEDs (Green, Self Flashing)
- Four Resistors (1K, 4.7K, 20K, 1M)
- Two Ceramic Capacitor (22nF, 10uF)
- 100K Potentiometer
- 1N5819 Diode
- Snap-Top Component Storage Box
- USB-Powered Flexible LED Lamp (Various Colors)
- Epoxy Dome EFF Sticker
Booklet Contents Include:
- Four Common Types of USB Ports
- Understand Electronic Component Markings
- Solderless Breadboards
- Power Supply Modules on Solderless Breadboards
- Current Flow Through a Light Emitting Diode (LED)
- Self Flashing LEDs
- The 555 Timer Integrated Circuit Chip
- Use a 555 Timer to Blink an LED
- Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Using a 555 Timer
- PWM Control Signals for Servo Motors
- Meet the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
- Civil Liberties in the Digital World