Explore operational amplifier circuits for measuring physiological signals of the human heart, brain, and skeletal muscles. Delve into theory and applications for op-amp circuits and use instrumentation amplifiers to measure tiny signals. Assemble the exclusive HackerBoxes BioSense Board. Instrument a human subject for ECG and EEG. Learn to design electrically safe human interface circuits. Experiment with visualizing analog signals over USB or using microcontroller friendly OLED displays. Box contents include:
- HackerBoxes #0026 Collectable Reference Card
- Exclusive HackerBoxes BioSense PCB
- OpAmp and Component Kit for BioSense PCB
- Arduino Nano V3: 5V, 16MHz, MicroUSB
- OLED Module 0.96 inch, 128x64, SSD1306
- Pulse Sensor Module
- Snap-Style Leads for Physiological Sensors
- Adhesive Gel, Snap-Style Electrode Pads
- OpenEEG Electrode Strap Kit
- Shrink Tubing - 50 Piece Variety
- MicroUSB Cable
- Exclusive WiredMind Decal
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