Part of our full line of HackerBox Workshops.
The HackerBoxes Starter Workshop was carefully designed as the perfect entry for those getting started in DIY electronics. The workshop includes a nice set of basic tools and supplies along with components to perform over 30 introductory experiments.
Starter Workshop Contents Include:
- Arduino Nano 5V/16MHz
- Wemos32 ESP32 Dualcore Wi-Fi Bluetooth
- USB Digispark ATtiny85
- Soldering Iron with LCD Temperature Setup
- Soldering Iron Stand
- Metal Wire Soldering Iron Tip Cleaner
- Tube of Solder 60/40 1mm
- Precision Flush Cutters
- Digitial Multimeter with Test Leads
- Solderless Breadboard 830 Point
- MicroUSB Breadboard Power Supply
- Male-Male Jumper Wire Set
- Female-Female DuPont Jumpers 10cm
- Desoldering Braid
- MFRC522 RFID Kit with Card and Keyfob
- Joystick Breakout Module
- Stick of Eight RGB LEDs WS2812
- OLED Display 0.96inch 128x64 I2C
- HC-SR501 IR Motion Sensor
- MicroUSB Cable
- Precision Tweezers
- Set of Ten Alligator Clips
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Module
- Micro Servo SG90 9g
- BadgeBuddy Soldering Kit
- Resistors (1K and 10K Ohms)
- Photo Resistors
- Tactile Momentary Buttons
- Diffused Green 5mm LEDs
- Trimmer Potentiometers 10K
- LED RGB 5mm 4pin Common Cathode
- TMP36GT9Z Temperature Sensor
- Passive Piezo Buzzer
- Iron-On Hack Life Patch
- Set of Various Hacker Stickers
Online resources: